Advanced Structural Geology

Announcements Syllabus Schedule Weekly lecture notes Links

Course Schedule

Subject to Change!!!

August 19 In personIntroduction; Alpine tectonics and application
August 26 In personNorth American Cordillera tectonicsDickinson, 2004
McQuarrie and Wernicke, 2015
September 2 VirtualIntroduction to Structural Geology and introduction to MatlabP+M Preface and Chapter 1
September 9 AutonomousMathematical tools Scalars and VectorsP+M Chapter 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
September 16 In personMathematical tools Matrices and tensorsP+M Chapter 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7
September 23 In personPhysical ConceptsP+M Chapter 3
September 30 AutonomousElastic-brittle deformationP+M Chapter 4
October 7 AutonomousElastic-ductile deformationP+M Chapter 5
October 14 In personElastic-viscous deformationP+M Chapter 6
October 16 All day field tripSouth Mountains
October 21 In personFracturesP+M Chapter 7
October 28 In personFaults I P+M Chapter 8
October 30 All day field tripTBA
November 4 In personFaults IIP+M Chapter 8
November 18 In personIntrusionsP+M Chapter 11
December 2 In personPresentations?
*Reading codes:
P+M = Structural Geology: A Quantitative Introduction by Pollard and Martel Publisher LINK
M+T = Tectonics by Twiss and Moores
Ragan = Structural Geology: an introduction to geometrical techniques, 4th ed., by Ragan Publisher LINK
Or papers to be assigned

Advanced Structural Geology

Last modified: September 5, 2022